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1920年,日本政府改正地方制度,於新竹州新竹郡管轄的新竹街(現新竹市)設置新竹街役場;原街役場設於郡役所內,直至1925年才建成,今日的新竹市美術館於焉誕生。 本館歷經多次轉型:1930年,新竹街升格為新竹市,新竹街役場也更名為「新竹市役所」(類似今日的市政府);1991年成為新竹市戶政事務所,並於2001年公告為市定古蹟。為活化古蹟再利用,2004年起,經新竹市政府3年整修後,於2007年定名為「新竹市美術館暨開拓館」;2016年再經轉型成為當代藝術展覽空間,即現今的「新竹市美術館」,期許為新竹市帶來更多藝術氣息。

In 1920, Japan government updated the Local Government Systems Act, and founded Hsinchu state Street Affair for Hsinchu Street, under the governance of Hsinchu County, Hsinchu Province. The original affair was set up at the County Affair, and not until 1925 did the Street Affair was built. That is how the Hsinchu City Art Gallery was born. The building has gone through several transformations. In 1930, Hsinchu was upgraded to be Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu state Street Affair had become Hsinchu state City Affair simultaneously, which was the City Hall at that time. In 1991, it became Hsinchu City Household Registration Office and was rated as a city level historic relic by bulletin in 2001. After 3 years of overhaul renovation, it had been reopened as Hsinchu City Art Gallery & Reclamation in 2007. In 2016, it has been repositioned to be a space of contemporary art display as Hsinchu City Art Gallery, hoping to give Hsinchu a strong art spirit.


Hsinchu City Art Gallery has been as a contemporary art exhibition space since 2016. Pouring art energy into the historical monuments, Hsinchu City Art Gallery boosts the art and cultural values of locals and provides professional and various theme exhibitions. The gallery is built on two stories, with barrier-free facilities and the service of the guide, provides people with artistic resources and creates a communicating platform for art workers and the public.

(三)期使本館成為一具有複合式功能之展覽中心、社區教室及地方文化觀光資源中心,以達藝文推 廣及城市行銷之效。


瀏覽人次:12925 人 更新日期:107-10-01

