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日治時期藉由日本建築師的引入,台灣在1910年代後出現許多歐式的公共建築。當時歐洲的古典系建築風格之一,主要來自於英國維多利亞式磚造建築;而傳統的磚造建築在經過改造後,則產生了獨特的紅磚折衷風格,新竹市美術館便隸屬於此。 新竹市美術館運用古典建築語彙如紅磚、橫貫館體的兩道白色水平線和羅馬式的拱門設計;並融合日式傳統屋瓦,使它跳脫正統西方古典建築模式,使用較為自由創新的設計,是典型的紅磚折衷風格,在嚴謹中呈現典雅的一面。 細看美術館設計,可以發現設計上使用了三道外凸的牆面,隨之變化的屋頂和中央的門廊,是為了增強儀典性質;正門柱頭上方刻有花葉紋飾,柱頭下方的七連環垂帶則有共襄盛舉之意;正面與側面半圓拱門上突出的拱心石上,綴有緞帶綑綁的花冠環,拱心石與花環的組合如同火炬,代表著勝利;屋頂上凸起的老虎窗及多面長方形直立窗,使館內通風良好且自然明亮。 二戰後,館體曾被更動設計,直至 2004年新竹市政府整修時,依照原貌復原,即為今日所見之面貌。

In the 1910s, during the Japanese colonial period, numerous European public buildings had emerged in Taiwan due to the introduction of Japanese architects. One of the classical architectural styles of Europe was Victorian House. After altering the traditional style, it becomes the unique style, “Red Brick Eclecticism”, which Hsinchu City Art Gallery belongs to. Hsinchu City Art Gallery applied classical architectural elements such as red bricks, two white horizontal lines, and a Romanesque arch. However, with traditional Japanese roof tile, it breaks the pattern of legitimate western architecture and therefore belongs to Red Brick Eclecticism. Using a far more creative way to design the building, Hsinchu City Art Gallery shows its elegance and preciseness at the same time. If you look closely to the design of the building, you wouldn’t miss the floral decorations carved on top of the columns. Under the flowers, there are 7 connecting rings signifying an expectation to gain happiness in here. The combination of the protruding keystone and the floral hoop above on each side of the arch symbolizes a victorious burning torch. With the design of the dormer window and several upright windows, the architecture is well ventilated and brightened. The design of the gallery had been altered after World War 2; but the renovation in 2004 followed the initial design of the Japanese, which is the appearance we can see nowadays.

瀏覽人次:9524 人 更新日期:107-09-26

